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Beyond the Basics Patient information: Fever in children (Beyond the Basics)

Beyond the Basics Patient information: Fever in children (Beyond the Basics) Patient information: Fever in children (The Basics) What is a fever? — A fever is a rise in body temperature that goes above a certain level. The level that is considered a fever depends on how you take the temperature. Here are the values that are considered a fever: …

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Benefits of Physical Therapy

  Physical therapists are evidence-based health care professionals who offer cost-effective treatment that improves mobility and relieves pain, reduces the need for surgery and prescription drugs, and allows patients to participate in a recovery plan designed for their specific needs. Improve Mobility & Motion Physical therapists are experts in improving mobility and motion. Pain-free movement is crucial to your quality …

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DIETARY CHANGES AND BLOOD PRESSURE — Making changes in what you eat can help to control high blood pressure. Reduce sodium — The main source of sodium in the diet is the salt contained in packaged and processed foods and in foods from restaurants. Reducing the amount of sodium you consume can lower blood pressure if you have high or …

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Patient information: High blood pressure in adults (The Basics)

Written by the doctors and editors at UpToDate What is high blood pressure? — High blood pressure is a condition that puts you at risk for heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. It does not usually cause symptoms. But it can be serious. When your doctor or nurse tells you your blood pressure, he or she will say 2 numbers. …

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Mind Diet

ظهرت أبحاث جديدة تقترح ان هناك نظام غذائي خاص سمّي بال “mind diet” يمكن أن يخفض من خطر الإصابة بأمراض الدماغ التي قد تؤدي الى مرض الألزهايمر. وقد بيّنت دراسة حديثة أن هذا النوع من الأنظمة الغذائية خفض من خطر الإصابة بالألزهايمر بنسة 53% عند الأشخاص الذين إتّبعوه إلى أقصى الحدود و 35% عند الذين لم يتبعوه جيدا حسب ما …

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كيف يمكنك الإستمتاع بفرصة الميلاد ورأس السنة دون ربح الوزن

في هذا الوقت من العام تكثر المناسبات مما يزيد من التحدي على الأفراد في الحفاظ والإلتزام بالأكل الصحي. أظهرت الدراسات أنّ في هذه الفترة  يزيد وزن الأشخاص  ما يعادل 0.5-1كغ. فقط مع قليل من التحضير، يمكنك الإستمتاع بعطلة الميلاد ورأس السنة وفي الوقت نفسه الحفاظ على صحتك و وزنك. إليك هذه النصائح الغذائية: نصائح عامة: خذ وجبات خفيفة وصحية في …

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It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the 1895 will of Alfred Nobel (who died in 1896), awarded for outstanding contributions in chemistry, physics, literature .peace, and physiology or medicine. The Nobel Prize in Physiology / Medicine has been awarded 106 times to 210 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2015. Here is a list of prize winners …

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WHAT? Sandstorms are defined as strong gusts of wind that carry sand and dust particles with them. WHEN? Sandstorms are most frequent during the months of April and May when winds in these areas are the highest. Sandstorms come with the transition from winter to summer in the Gulf. They affect large areas sweeping through many countries at a time. …

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We are buckling under the pressure of a massive heat wave passing across the Middle East, with temperatures feeling like more than 70˚C in some countries. IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THIS PHENOMENON • Weather experts call it a heat “dome”, a type of high pressure ridge that passes over a region and causes super-sweltering temperatures. • Temperature soared to 74˚C in …